Running a WordPress Food Review Blog

Shabari offers fruit to Rama & Lakshmana at the Matanga ashram

Food is the new art, because it is an art most of us can truly enjoy consuming. So, it isn’t surprising that food culture and the need to eat and experience new flavours and cuisines is a very popular interest throughout the world’s urban centres. Like movies before it, it is fast becoming that common interest that a large number of people get to share and identify with. It was inevitable that as the interest grew, more people would want to talk about it. Food related sites and blogs are ever growing in popularity, and food and restaurant review blogs are a large part of that movement.

Esther Tseng gave a presentation at WordCamp L.A. 2010 titled Food Blogging in WordPress. It was a good introduction to the field, with tips and insights into how best to go about it from someone who has been food blogging for a while. The video of her presentation is below to be watched (audio quality is quite bad). My notes and links to related and resources follow, for those who prefer text, and to read my own additions.

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What is Content Delivery?

Vishnu in his avatar of Matsya (the fish), delivering the ark carrying humanity and the Vedas from the deluge.

Look up Content Delivery in all the standard informative places and they will talk about the delivery of media content, and about the almost equivalent and mostly overlapping field of content distribution. All quite dry and academic, really, but I think almost everyone today needs to have a deeper and more intimate understanding of the tasks, issues, tools and challenges of content delivery, because increasingly we are all part of its wide scope.

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Advantages of Timeless Content

Ganesha transcribing the Mahabharata

There is a lot of noise made about the fact that content is king, but as with everything else, all content is not created equal and it comes in many flavours. Time is an important factor in the importance of information. Based on its timeliness, content can be broadly divided into that which is timely and very rooted in that particular moment of history in which it is created, such as a news item, and content which is of universal interest, free from when it is consumed. This timeless content is a wonderful thing and an essential part of your content strategy. Or in simpler terms, you simply must create some timeless content.

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Content Deliverance